Experiential Preparation

“There is no single path that will prepare you for a legal education. However, there are core skills and values that will provide you with a solid foundation; these have been summarized in the American Bar Association’s Statement on Pre-Law Preparation. No particular undergraduate education is recommended; students are admitted to law school from almost every academic discipline. If you are an undergraduate, a Pre-Law advisor at your school can help you plan a course of study that will help you achieve your goal.”
– from LSAC’s Preparing for Law School webpage

Law-Related Experiences

It can be helpful, but not necessary, to obtain law-related experiences in preparation for law school. Most importantly, obtaining law-related experiences prior to law school will help you get a more realistic sense for the field of law and/or what lawyers do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis . Before applying to and attending law school, you want to be very sure that law school is the right path for you to reach your career goals.

Law-related experiences mainly consist of a job, internship, or volunteer in a law setting or law environment. Here are some options for obtaining these types of experiences:

Non-Law-Related Experiences

Showing evidence of non-law-related experiences, such as jobs, internships, and volunteerism in ANY areas, can have multiple benefits for your law school application. For example, non-law-related experiences can provide the law schools insight in to your:
1) areas of interest or passion (ex. volunteering with Habitat for Humanity or Feed the Homeless),
2) “skill sets” as referenced on our Pre-Law Student Academic Preparation webpage (ex. listening and counseling skills by working or volunteering for a crisis call center), and
3) work ethic and/or multi-tasking (ex. holding a job part-time or full-time while also taking classes in college).

Here are a few options for obtaining these types of experiences:

Pre-Law Student Organizations at UCF

Joining a Pre-Law student organization gets you connected to other students who also have the goal to go to law school, can help you build activities for your resume, and can expose you to a variety of law-related information, topics, and organizations.