Pre-Health “DirectConnect” Transfer students include students at the following Central Florida state colleges:
- Valencia College
- Seminole State College
- Eastern Florida State College
- Lake-Sumter State College
- Daytona State College
- College of Central Florida
Services we provide for Pre-Health “DirectConnect” Students
If you are a “DirectConnect to UCF” student at one of these state colleges, you can take advantage of our following services while still a student at your state college:
Our PHPL Advisors can advise you in-person if you can come to our office on the UCF campus or via a phone appointment. Please contact our office via phone (407-823-3033) or email ( to schedule an advising appointment. We are open Mon-Fri, 9-5, and we are located in Ferrell Commons 203 (see campus map).
Pre-Health Advising/Contacts at “DirectConnect” State Colleges
We have compiled the identities of the Pre-Health Advisors/Contacts on the campuses at each of our DirectConnect partners. See the list of Pre-Health Advisors/Contacts at your campus below:
Valencia College – East Campus:
Pre-Health Advisor: Gabrielle Younker,
Valencia College – West Campus:
Pre-Health Advisor: Hannah Jenkins,
Valencia College – Osceola Campus:
Pre-Health Advisor: Chris Klinger,
We are working on getting the contact info for Pre-Health student contacts at our other DirectConnect campuses.
For additional advisement/recommendations for Pre-Health “DirectConnect” students planning to transfer to UCF, see our Transfer Student Recommendations page.